Media Highlights
“In New York Suburbs, Democrats Flip Two County Executive Seats”
The New York Times, Nov. 8, 2017
“Many Democrats said they decided to get involved at the local level as the best strategy of resisting the Trump presidency. That movement helped overcome decades of history: In each county, only two Democrats have held the office of county executive since the 1930s.” Read full article.
“Indivisible Westchester rides anti-Trump wave into mainstream”
Feb. 13, 2018
“‘It really has energized people who have been on the sidelines and weren’t paying attention to anything going on in their own backyard.’ -Shannon Powell, Larchmont resident.’”
“Families Belong Together march: Hundreds rally in Rockland and Westchester”
Lohud., June 30, 2018
“Hundreds of people from the Lower Hudson Valley gathered Saturday for ‘Families Belong Together’ rallies to oppose actions taken by President Donald Trump's administration to separate immigrant children from their parents at the U.S./Mexico border.” Read full article.
“Few fireworks in Hochul-Williams debate”
July 26, 2018
“The 45-minute debate, hosted by a coalition of liberal groups in Westchester, consisted almost exclusively of both candidates laying out policy views that they’ve espoused countless times before.”
“Cynthia Nixon calls out Gov. Cuomo for not attending Democratic forum”
Pix11, July 26, 2018
“Indivisible Westchester hosted a forum Thursday night at Manhattanville College in Purchase for the democratic candidates for both governor and lieutenant governor.” Read full article.
“‘The Proud Boys Came to My Hometown’ Westchester Dems Call Out Republicans”
Yonkers Times, August 19, 2021
“Shannon Powell, co-founder of Indivisble Westchester called it ‘a sad day for the United States.’”
“Former President Donald Trump targeted by protesters at Winged Foot Golf Club”
Golfweek -
USAToday, August 5, 2021
“‘I think there’s nothing honorable about normalizing anything Trump has done,’ said Shannon Powell, co-founder of Indivisible Westchester, a local organization that supports progressive political candidates. ‘He continues to fuel hatred and he continues to be corrupt. It’s all disgusting and I stand with the members of the club who are outraged that such an event is happening here.’” Read full article.
“The Trump Factor: POTUS casts a shadow on Westchester election”
Lohud, Oct. 13, 2017
"We’re in crisis, basically, I think is what’s the feeling," she said. "This is a national emergency, we’re in crisis and something has to be done and it has to be different and it has to be now."